How To Get Used To A CPAP Machine?
Key Takeaways
- About 12 million Americans have been diagnosed with (OSA), and the most common treatment for this sleep disorder is CPAP therapy.
- CPAP therapy uses advanced equipment to deliver pressurized air to a person's airway at night to keep it open while they sleep, improving their sleep and their symptoms.
- However, there are common challenges with CPAP therapy, especially when first starting. Learn how to overcome these challenges and improve your overall health and well-being.
The reasons patients tend to stop CPAP treatment is because that using a CPAP machine is difficult to get used to and can cause some problems, such as:
- Dry nose, nasal congestion or runny nose
- Sore throat
- Eye or skin irritation
- Nightmares
- Bloating
The good news is that patients may be able to adjust or modify the CPAP mask or machine to eliminate most of the problems associated with CPAP use. For example, by using a humidifier, decongestant, or a nasal spray, nasal irritation can be reduced. Additionally, allowing the CPAP machine to ramp up slowly while the patient drifts into sleep may help getting used to the positive flow of air pressure into the nose and mouth..
The most common reasons patients stop using CPAP are nasal congestion, trouble breathing because of the amount of air coming into the mask, dry or sore throat, air leaking out of the mask, or sore spots on the nose and face. New CPAP machines like the Resmed S9 address all these common problems, providing much more likelihood that patients will continue to use the machine every night.
Let’s discuss each of these problems individually.It is important to note that a physician should be consulted before trying any of these tips.
Many CPAP users complain of nasal congestion and a dry or sore throat.In addition to using a saline spray in each nostril before going to bed, some doctors also recommend a nasal decongestant. However, the problem may be solved without any medication simply by using a CPAP humidifier which adds moisture to the forced air. The CPAP Resmed S9 has a built in humidifier system that automatically delivers the optimal temperature and humidity, ensuring that condensation does not form in the mask or tube and provides the most comfortable sleep therapy possible. To help prevent condensation, the tube is heated so that air flowing into the mask remains at the appropriate temperature. Sometimes using a chinstrap can help to keep the patient’s mouth closed during sleep, reducing sore throats and dry mouths.
Many CPAP users find it hard to breathe because the amount of air flowing into the mask seems overwhelming. The CPAP Resmed S9 auto not only has a ramp feature that allows air pressure to increase slowly but automatically adjusts to the patients necessary settings to allow the patient to have a natural and comfortable sleeping experience.
Older CPAP machines tend to be noisy and disturb the sleep of the patient and the patient’s partner.The CPAP Resmed S9 machine is the one of the quietest machine on the market, allowing for a wake free night sleep for everyone.
One of the most important aspects of CPAP is a comfortable mask.Many CPAP users have trouble finding the correct mask size or properly adjusting the mask headgear. This may cause leakage and noise. With adjustable chinstraps and head straps, the mask can be customized for a perfect fit.In some cases, it may be appropriate to resize the mask to make sure it is the proper fit for the user to alleviate a more severe mask issue.Finally, there are also some accessories such as pads that slip over the straps to keep them from rubbing the skin and can be purchased for added comfort
New technology and comfort features on CPAP machines like the Resmed S9 will help alleviate the problem patients struggle with that causes misuse or stoppage of the CPAP therapy.It's important to realize that patients may have to make adjustments and wait a few months to see improvement. Once adjustments and modifications are made and the comfort level rises, CPAP therapy can provide for a very important aspect to quality of life and help patients get the sleep they require.
Sue McCrossin is a marketing consultant working with TheCPAPShop to educate patients about the Resmed CPAP advances.We providing quality CPAP Machines and sleep aid products and excellent customer service to help get the rest you need and improve the quality of life.
Snoring is one of the signs of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a medical condition that causes the sleeper to stop breathing and, in turn, increases the risk of stroke or heart attack. About 12 million Americans have been diagnosed with (OSA).
The most common treatment for moderate or severe OSA is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine which is used with a mask that is worn while sleeping to increase the air pressure in the throat. This positive air pressure helps keep the airway from collapsing while breathing in.
CPAP masks come in a few forms; a mask that covers the nose and mouth, a mask that covers only the nose (NCPAP), or prongs that fit into the nose. In addition, recent technological advances allow some machines to sense breathing patterns and automatically adjust air pressure when the patient inhales or exhales. CPAP machines are supposed to be used every night, unfortunately, up to 83% of patients do not use CPAP as directed. By skipping, even one night, patients can feel the effects of a poor night's sleep.
Problems And Solutions with CPAP Machines
The reasons patients tend to stop CPAP treatment is because using a CPAP machine is difficult to get used to and can cause some problems, such as:
- Dry nose, nasal congestion, or runny nose
- Sore throat
- Eye or skin irritation
- Nightmares
- Bloating
The good news is that patients may be able to adjust or modify the CPAP mask or machine to eliminate most of the problems associated with CPAP use. For example, by using a humidifier, decongestant, or nasal spray, nasal irritation can be reduced. Additionally, allowing the CPAP machine to ramp up slowly while the patient drifts into sleep may help a patient get used to the positive flow of air pressure into the nose and mouth.
The most common reasons patients stop using CPAP are nasal congestion, trouble breathing because of the amount of air coming into the mask, dry or sore throat, air leaking out of the mask, or sore spots on the nose and face.
Dry, Stuffy Nose, and Thoat with CPAP
Problem | Solution |
Many CPAP users complain of nasal congestion and a dry or sore throat due to the dry air of CPAP therapy. | In addition to using a saline spray in each nostril before going to bed, some doctors also recommend a nasal decongestant. However, the problem may be solved without any medication simply by using a CPAP humidifier which adds moisture to the forced air. To help prevent condensation, the tube is heated so that air flowing into the mask remains at the appropriate temperature. Sometimes using a chinstrap can help to keep the patient’s mouth closed during sleep, reducing sore throats and dry mouths. |
Problem | Solution |
Many new CPAP users may find it difficult to get used to wearing a CPAP mask while they sleep. The complaint of a feeling a claustrophobia is common. |
Sometimes getting used to the mask just takes time, often with patients relying on deep breathing exercises to help adjust to the sensation of the mask. Patients can also explore different styles of CPAP masks which may be lighter in design. Full-face masks are the most common to cause feelings of claustrophobia. Switching to a nasal or nasal pillow type of mask, which has minimal facial contact, can help relieve feelings of anxiety. |
Difficulty Tolerating Forced Air
Problem | Solution |
CPAP therapy involves sleeping and breathing with pressurized air provided by the CPAP machine. This is an unusual sensation of breathing too much air, especially during exhalation, and can lead to discomfort and often abandonment of CPAP therapy. |
Fortunately, many CPAP machines come with features to help patients adapt to this problem. CPAP machines with a ramp feature start with a lower pressure setting that is more comfortable. As the patient falls asleep, the CPAP machine automatically “ramps” up to the higher prescribed pressure setting without the patient taking notice. Pressure relief features also help, reducing pressure on exhalation making breathing during CPAP easier. In general, new patients can practice with their CPAP machines during the daytime. Wearing the mask and breathing pressurized air while not trying to sleep can gradually get patients accustomed to the therapy. |
Noisy CPAP Machine
Problem | Solution |
With pressurized airflow comes noise. Both new and continuing patients (and their bed partners) often complain about noisy CPAP machines keeping them awake at night. |
Users can check all machine connections to make sure loose fittings are not causing the excess noise. A CPAP mat can also be placed under the machine to dampen the noise. Manufacturers have also taken note and continue to develop machines that operate at a much quieter decibel level. Often older out-of-date machines tend to be noisier, so it may be time for an upgrade. |
Uncomfortable CPAP Mask
Problem | Solution |
One of the most important aspects of CPAP is a comfortable mask. Many CPAP users have trouble finding the correct mask size or properly adjusting the mask headgear. This may cause leakage and noise. |
With adjustable chinstraps and head straps, the mask can be customized for a perfect fit. In some cases, it may be appropriate to resize the mask to make sure it is the proper fit for the user to alleviate a more severe mask issue. Finally, there are also some accessories such as pads that slip over the straps to keep them from rubbing the skin and can be purchased for added comfort |
Make a Few Adjustments
Adjusting your CPAP mask is important for personal comfort and better results in CPAP. Masks can be adjusted around the headgear to ensure a secure fit. Tight masks can leave facial marks, and loose masks can lead to leaks, which compromises the CPAP therapy. You can also adjust humidifier settings to reduce dry air problems. Feel free to continually adjust your ramp feature so that it comfortably eases you into your prescribed CPAP setting.
It's important to realize that patients may have to adjust and wait a few months to see improvement. Once adjustments and modifications are made and the comfort level rises, CPAP therapy can provide for a very important aspect to of quality of life and help patients get the sleep they require.
CPAP therapy takes getting used to. But it is necessary to help reduce your sleep apnea symptoms. Consult with your doctor about any ongoing problems and never give up on therapy. Changes and adjustments are common among all sleep apnea patients and with time you can find the right equipment and settings to stay CPAP compliant.
Learn more about CPAP equipment and accessories at The CPAP Shop.