Philips Respironics DreamStation Supplies and Parts

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Philips Respironics DreamStation Supplies

Philips Respironics is one of the most well-known brands in the CPAP industry. The Philips machines provide comfortable, high-quality, and advanced technology features. The CPAP Shop is the authorized retailer of Philips Respironics and offers customers a wide variety of CPAP machines, CPAP masks, and supplies and parts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Philips Respironics DreamStation Parts

Can I Use My DreamStation Without a Filter?

To use DreamStation CPAP and BiPAP machines, foam pollen filters are necessary. The manufacturer of the Dreamstation does not recommend using the machine without a foam pollen filter.

How Often Should I Change The Filters?

Clean CPAP filters stop airborne bacteria. However, if the filters are dirty, bacteria can infiltrate your respiratory system. Generally, the filters should be replaced every 4 weeks. If there are smokers or pets in your home then the filters should be replaced more often than usual.

How To Maintain Philips Respironics DreamStation Supplies and Parts Properly?

Proper maintenance of supplies and parts is beneficial to the overall longevity of the item. Daily cleaning should include:

  • Wiping your mask and its parts with a mild detergent, warm water, and a towel to remove oil, sweat, and dead skin cells
  • Empty any leftover water from the humidifier and refill with clean, distilled water

Weekly cleaning should include:

  • Thoroughly wash tubing, mask, and headgear with warm water and mild soap, and allow all to completely airdry before using again
  • Remove the filter and rise it thoroughly with water
  • Remove any leftover water from the humidifier and wash it with warm soapy water and let it airdry

What Size Tubing Does the DreamStation Use? 

DreamStation tubing is lightweight and flexible and generally about 6 feet long. The tube is non-heated and slim with a 15mm diameter that works with both DreamStation CPAP and BiPAP machines. The end cuffs are 22mm which fits into all types of CPAP masks.

Is It Possible To Find Philips Respironics DreamStation Supplies At The CPAP Shop Brick-and-Mortar Store?

Yes, we have a brick-and-mortar store for The CPAP Shop which is located at 159 Cooper Rd in West Berlin, New Jersey. The CPAP Shop store is an authorized dealer of top brands for all Philips Respironics DreamStation supplies and parts, and other inventory, including CPAP and BiPAP products.

Is Customer Service and Assistance There for Philips Respironics DreamStation Parts Purchases from The CPAP Shop?

Purchase CPAP machine parts from our online or brick-and-mortar store, The CPAP Shop, and get constant customer service regarding your purchase. We also offer free shipping on all orders over $99 with other additional benefits and discounts. For more questions, contact us at 1-866-414-9700